Welcome to Carol’s Counselling Space

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, worn out or lost, struggling with thoughts, relationships or events - I know how painful this can be. Counselling can help, please don’t suffer alone.

About Me

Welcome! I’m Carol, a person-centred counsellor working from premises in Haymarket in Edinburgh. My approach is supportive, compassionate and non-judgmental.

When I meet a new client I am aware that I am meeting a unique human being, not an issue, a problem, or a diagnosis. I will do my best to see the world through your eyes and not my own. My particular experience to date has been with counselling older people, carers and people with sight-impairment and sight-loss. I also have lived experience of the issues arising from disability and Autism.

I have a personal understanding of difference, disability and the feeling of not fitting in. I know how the weight of societal expectations and demands can be overwhelming.

I will provide you with a safe and accepting space to talk about whatever issue you want to bring. I will travel with you on the journey that you choose to take: self-discovery, acceptance, growth or change. All thoughts and feelings are welcome in our sessions. You will receive caring attention and be fully heard.

Carol Brown Counsellor

I am a Registered Member of the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS). I have a post-graduate Diploma in Person-Centred Counselling and the COSCA Counselling Skills Certificate. I am fully insured and undertake regular supervision as well as taking opportunities for professional and personal development. I am a member of RNIB’s Accredited Register of sight-loss counsellors and have recently completed Scotland’s Mental Health First Aid course.

I began my counselling journey later in life, following a health crisis which gave me the opportunity to stop, slow down and reflect on my personal priorities. I am now focussing on the therapy work I truly enjoy and feel a connection with. I offer you as my client the gift of myself, my skills and knowledge and my lived experience.

How Can Counselling Help?

Conditions and feelings Counselling can help with:




Difference, neurodiversity

Feelings of being overwhelmed

Loss of meaning in your life

Low self-esteem

Disability and chronic illness

Issues around sexuality or gender

Problems at home or work


Bereavement and loss



Counselling can support you to:

Talk about your thoughts and feelings

Gain awareness and understanding

Find out and get in touch with who you are

Discover new choices and work out what changes you could make

Improve your overall health

Raise your self-esteem and self-confidence

Feel more positive about your future

About Counselling

Sometimes it can be hard to talk to people who are close to you. Maybe you feel embarrassed talking about some things to friends and family. Those closest to you sometimes feel they have to “fix” the problem for you. Sometimes you don’t want to burden them, or you feel they don’t understand. I will listen to you without judging and will help you find your own solutions. I offer you a space to talk about things freely, in your own way, without judgement, and I will allow you to decide what, if anything, you wish to change.

For all of us, life is a series of ups and downs. Having someone there to listen to us, and understand us during the ‘downs’ of life can help us to cope and find our way back up. By talking about how you feel and what difficulties you are struggling with, I will give you the time and space to explore your options and find your own solutions. Gaining awareness can help you feel more in control of your life and feel at peace with yourself.

I realise that coming to counselling for the first time can be daunting. As someone who lives with disability and neurodivergence I have experienced this first hand. I will try to do what I can to make it feel safe for you to talk in as little, or as much detail as you wish. Counselling is a collaborative process where the relationship between us is key. I believe that you are the expert on your life and I will provide you with the best conditions for effective therapy.

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about counselling, or to arrange an initial assessment appointment.

The premises I work from in Haymarket are easy accessible by Public Transport and the building itself has good access.

You can also call me on 07492 573 019 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment.

All enquiries are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.


I currently work face to face from Haymarket in Edinburgh on Tuesdays and Fridays. I work online via Zoom Skype or Teams on Wednesday Thursday and Friday, including evenings.


My fee is £50 per session.

A limited number of discounted student sessions are available at £45

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Person- Centred Counselling?

Counselling is a term used to describe the process of speaking about things that are difficult with someone who is qualified and experienced in helping. Person-Centred Counsellors seek to offer a safe, nurturing, non-judgemental environment in which you, as a client, are free to explore any issues without fear of judgement, shame or rejection. Person-Centred Counsellors will do their best to hear and understand what it feels like to be you; to see things from your position, as if they were in your shoes.

Person-Centred Counsellors do not see themselves as ‘the expert’, apart and distant from the client. Rather, they aim to be themselves and offer their own lived experience to help you on your journey. They aim to be warm, approachable and genuine in the therapeutic relationship, including all of their personality, training and experience. They will however remain focussed on you, in a way that is positive and respectful. Their responsibility is to be genuine, listen empathically, and offer unconditional acceptance of you, their client.

How long will I need Counselling for?

This is up to you and an individual choice. Some people attend for a short time e.g. 6-8 sessions, whilst others prefer to work together for longer. You the client, are in charge of how long you attend for. Usually, clients choose to come weekly, but some prefer fortnightly or monthly. The frequency is up to you and how you want to manage the time we have together.

Will I have to wait on a list?

I aim to offer you an appointment on your first contact with me.

Where will I be seen?

I currently work in person in the West End of Edinburgh on Tuesdays Thursdays and Fridays, including evenings. I also work online at flexible times.

How much will it cost?

My fee is £50 per session. Sessions are 50 minutes in length. A limited number of discounted student sessions are available at £45.

Is there a cancellation policy?

If you need to cancel a session, I ask that you give me at least 24 hours’ notice by text, email or phone. If you do this there will be no charge to cancel the session and rearrange. If you cannot attend the session and do not let me know you will need to pay the fee for the missed session in full.

What about confidentiality?

Everything you bring to counselling will be confidential between us. I am however required by law to attend supervision once a month. I speak to my supervisor about my work, and it may be that our sessions are discussed. It is my supervisor’s job to ensure that I am working legally and ethically so ultimately this is in your interest as a client. My supervisor is also bound by confidentiality and will not discuss you with anyone else. I am an Accredited member of the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society and work within their Code of Ethics.

How will you use my information?

I have an information policy which you can read here.

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